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Łokieć rodem z muay thai

Januszolino • 2021-01-20, 17:11
Na pokrzepieniu serc przesyłam wam informacje jak potoczyły się dalsze losy tego oto osobnika:

the black guys name is Ehcoud Cipe, he played for Fitchborg and after this was filmed, he got his scolarship taken away and his parents had to move, as he was constantly beaten up by angry white dudes. His family moved to new york, where he ended up working at an mcdonalds, that he one night tried to rob. He ended up in Jail where he was stabbed in the shower and died a couple of days later.


2021-01-21, 16:04
Lyttald napisał/a:

Że jest bardziej dumny ze swojego ku*asa niż ty ze swojego.

nie mierz wszystkich swoją miarą
