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Sztuka Zrywania

T3RMINATOR • 2018-12-30, 12:24
Do zdarzenia doszło w Saugus w stanie Massachusetts w USA.
Koleś wyrzuca bagaż pasażerki po czym ta wybiega i strzela do niego.

Orginalny opis

Police in Saugus, Massachusetts in the USA are investigating a report of shots fired at an apartment complex on Hamilton Street opposite their own headquarters.

Police said they have been interviewing at least one individual, but have found no-one injured.

Police do not believe there is an ongoing threat to public safety at the address.

A video of the incident appears to show a man and a woman arguing in a car outside an apartment complex.

In the clip, he can be seen throwing her bags from the vehicle when she appears to grab a gun from his lap and shout "I'm going to kill you."

She then appears to fire one round towards him.

He runs from the vehicle and then returns to it and speeds away from the scene, leaving the woman standing in the road.


2018-12-31, 11:11
"Koleś wyrzuca bagaż pasażerki po czym ta wybiega i strzela do niego." - nie widać, żeby strzelał do bagażu?


2018-12-31, 12:15
Usiłowanie zabójstwa i doj***ć max wyrok.


2018-12-31, 13:04
kolejny bez serca ! porzuca sukę na środku ulicy i odjeżdża :(


2018-12-31, 17:42
mógł ją drzwiami jebnąć jak odjeżdżał :D


2018-12-31, 20:48
Dalej, zalegalizujmy broń, niech to się dzieje też i u nas, czemu nie?