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Odbicie zakładnika...

~DMT • 2018-12-22, 10:59

December 20, 2018.- An alleged criminal was gunned down by police in Puerto Vallarta, after he held a woman hostage when intercepted after assaulting a mini-supermarket. The individual, approximately between 30 and 35 years old, showed up this Thursday at the establishment of 8 de Mayo Street, in the Lomas del Coapinole neighborhood, in Puerto Vallarta and threatened the woman in charge with a firearm. From that fact, a tortilla delivery man noticed, who escaped and reported what happened to the munic**al police. The business was surrounded by munic**al officials, who asked him to free the woman.

Od 0:40 druga kamera...


2018-12-22, 13:11
Głupota czy odwaga? Gliniarze strzelali do niego a koledzy w tle :)


2018-12-22, 13:31
Jeden z psów dostał kulkę. Masakra co za debile.


2018-12-23, 11:53
No dobry miał pomysł, mógł się udać.


2018-12-23, 13:56
Gość gada że dostał w udo a mi się wydaje że ni ch*ja :krejzi:


2018-12-23, 17:48
Typowe strzaly ostrzegawcze do kolorowego


2018-12-24, 01:30
Mocno go rozj***li. Dobre.