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Trening gówniaka

phrontch2020-08-13, 16:24
Warto ubierać kask

Zgubienie pasażerów

phrontch2020-08-13, 18:12
Wspaniała brazylijska infrastruktura

Na warsztacie

~_Yarko_2020-08-13, 10:22

Podnośnik śrubowy był zły bo gwint też był zły.
Siły porządkowe w pośpiechu zamiast do więźniarki, omal nie umieściły aresztowanego w autobusie miejskim.
Joshua uciekał przed policją gdy ta go namierzyła na polu kempingowym, w czasie ucieczki wymierzył pistolet i strzelał do policjanta. Następnie gdy już uciekł udał cię do kempingu swojej matki która to poinformowała policje że jest przetrzymywana, skierowano tam oddział SWAT i doszło do strzelaniny. Joshua został zastrzelony podczas gdy pani oficer oddawała
do niego 11 strzałów a on trzymał w dłoni walthera. Był poszukiwany za podpalenie.

According to Metro, police went to the mobile home park searching for 32-year-old Joshua Squires. In their morning briefing, police were told Squires was the suspect in an arson investigation.

Once at the park, 28-year-old Officer Raul Cabrera encountered Squires walking through the park. As he approached him, Squires ran and Officer Cabrera initiated a foot pursuit.

During the chase, Squires turned and pointed a gun at Officer Cabrera. This led Officer Cabrera to fire one shot at Squires, which missed.

It was later revealed that Squires was armed with a Walter PPQ Airsoft Pistol, which had the orange tip removed to make it appear as a 9mm handgun.

Squires escaped Officer Cabrera shortly after the shot was fired. Squires climbed over a wall and made his way to his mother’s mobile home where he was currently staying.

Metro Police then received word that Squires’ mother was was in the home, and that Squires would not allow her to leave. His mother also told dispatchers that he was still in possession of his gun.

Squires also reportedly threatened to set the mobile home on fire.

From that point, the SWAT team was called in. SWAT later entered the home through a sliding glass door where they immediately encountered Squires holding his gun.

36-year-old Officer Allyn Goodrich, who has been with LVMPD since 2007, was the first to enter the home.

Officer Goodrich fired 11 rounds at Squires, of which several hit made contact. Tactical medics responded to Squires, but he was pronounced dead at the scene.

The hostage was not harmed in the incident.

Człowiek i Morze

T3RMINATOR2020-08-13, 19:04
To jego ostatnie wędkowanie.

Zwyczajna motopizdeczka

phrontch2020-08-13, 8:14
Nie opanowała mocy swojego ścigacza

Na kameru maju...

Halman2020-08-13, 13:05

awantura chuj wie o co i dlaczego, ale zgubić dupczenie...?

Z życia emeryta.

T3RMINATOR2020-08-13, 19:11
Dziadzio tylko rano wyskoczył po bułki do sklepu.

Pewnie zaawansowany alzheimer.

Kolarskie wypadki

Miecz2020-08-13, 14:15
Jeśli ktoś nie lubi pedalarzy to ta kompilacja go zadowoli