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Inspektorzy handlowi

dogip • 2016-03-09, 16:00
Ciężka praca inspektora handlowego. Oto spotkanie z protestującymi handlarzami ulicznymi. Nie mam pojęcia gdzie rozgrywała się cała akcja. Na pewno gdzieś w Azji.


2016-03-10, 15:06
haha k***a, temat z chin a dalej nak***iajo o kodzie, klasyk


2016-03-10, 22:08
dresik99 napisał/a:

At least 4 Chengguan, the most hated police-inspectors in China, were beaten to death by angry people in Cangnan County of Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province (located in the industrial southeast), after they killed a man with a hammer. The police-inspectors hit the man with a hammer until he started to vomit blood, because he was trying to take pictures of their violence towards a woman, a street vendor. The man was rushed to hospital, but died on the way.

Thousands of angry people took to the streets, surrounded the police-inspectors in their van, attacked them with stones, bats, and beat them to death. People were shouting that the police-inspectors be killed on the spot for what they did: “Kill them! Kill them!”

Rozumiem angielski ale wypie**alaj z tym sk***iałym językiem gdzieś gdzie będziesz fajny.


2016-03-10, 23:50
Hazio napisał/a:

hehe typowy debil hehe

To mi doj***łeś. Szacun


2016-03-11, 13:07
dwakilo napisał/a:

To mi doj***łeś. Szacun

Ty sam sobie wystarczająco doj***łeś swoim zj***nym komentarzem bęcwale.