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Na ratunek kanguru

Sunday • 2020-07-06, 09:41

Dobrzy ludzie wyciągnęli maluszka z rowu :-D


T3RMINATOR • 2018-01-24, 16:05
Wyjecie małego kangurka z torby lęgowej martwej matki


We were called out on a rescue to a dead mother with a joey (pinkie)
still alive in the pouch. We retrieved from it's mothers pouch, and sent him off to a more experienced carer of the little ones to give him the best chance of survival possible. Footage, filmed in Australia, of a baby kangaroo being rescued from its dead mother's pouch.

The video, filmed in Sydney, New South Wales on April 24, shows a couple pulling the new-born joey from the dead animal's pouch.

They then took him to an experienced carer to give him the best possible chance of survival

Kaptur vs. pogotowie

nemiroff • 2012-12-11, 01:07
Mały peszek zimową porą :mrgreen:
Chyba pomimo kapturka kolega miał słuchawki :mrgreen:
konto1981 • 2012-12-11, 02:49  Najlepszy komentarz Najlepszy komentarz (82 piw)
szczyt szczytów... zginąć pod kołami karetki pogotowia :idzwch*j: