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Strzelanie w materiał wybuchowy

fakeid69 • 2016-03-25, 17:42
Gość strzela w kosiarkę wypełnioną materiałem wybuchowym



2016-03-25, 17:58
Idź pan w ch*j zz takim strzelcem i pirotechnikiem, jakby mu dać paczkę zapałek to by pół stanu spalił p*zda jedna, jeszcze bliżej mógł podejśc


2016-03-25, 18:10
@up na filmach wystarczyło :amused:


2016-03-25, 18:30
ale debil ja j@be :gmoch: hameryka na bank


2016-03-25, 18:44
Nie ma to jak ustawić blisko siebie materiał wybuchowy i zadbać o to, aby było koło niego coś, z czego pójdą odłamki w twoją stronę.


2016-03-26, 02:17
W hameryce men, wszystko jest 3x większe, idioci jak widać też.


Notable incidents

A Minnesota man was fined $2,583 and sentenced to three years' probation[13] on charges of detonating an explosive device and unlawful possession of components for explosives after he detonated 100 lb (45 kg) of Tannerite inside the bed of a dump truck by shooting it with a rifle chambered in .50 BMG from 300 yards (270 m) away on January 14, 2008, in Red Wing, Minnesota. The man was on probation when he mixed and shot the Tannerite and was not allowed to possess firearms or explosives.[14][15] The blast could be felt at Prairie Island Nuclear Power Plant (roughly 5 miles away).[16]

A 20-year-old man in Busti, New York shot 18 lb (8.2 kg) of Tannerite on January 13, 2013, that sent a particularly "loud boom" through much of southern Chautauqua County, New York and extending as far south as Pennsylvania, at least 3 miles away. Multiple other sounds of explosions were also reported in the incident. The explosive noise caused numerous phone calls to the Chautauqua County Sheriff's Office, the New York State Police, and other law enforcement in the area.[17]

A man was killed by shrapnel at a farm in Fillmore County, Minnesota on June 15, 2013, after Tannerite was shot at a bachelor-bachelorette party after it was placed inside some metal objects. Fillmore County Sheriff Daryl Jensen stated that in this case the Tannerite was “used with other materials” in a manner that was not included in the manufacturer’s recommendations.[3]

Shrapnel killed a boy and injured a man in Sequoyah County, Oklahoma on February 9, 2015, after a reported two pounds of Tannerite was placed in a stove and shot with a high-powered rifle.[18]

A 24-year-old man from Portland, Oregon, used a Tannerite explosion as a means of suicide. Officials indicated that on March 19, 2015, the man parked his car along US Route 26 in a rural area near Mt. Hood and walked into nearby woods, where he detonated a "large quantity" of Tannerite with a .223 caliber rifle. The blast shattered trees and resulted in a crater two feet deep and ten feet wide.[19]

On March 19, 2016, a 32-year-old man in Walton County, Georgia, severed his leg after shooting at a riding lawnmower filled with 3 pounds of Tannerite. A piece of shrapnel flew 20 feet and removed the leg below his knee. Six months prior to that accident, another man in Muskegon, Michigan, also had his leg severed after using Tannerite to blow up a 55-gallon drum, despite being 50 yards from the explosion.[20]




2016-03-26, 19:15
Ten sadolowy serwer od filmów chodzi jak Stephen Hawking


2016-03-26, 22:09
Chłop miał jaja...dosłownie miał :D


2016-03-26, 22:46
patrzcie jaki debil!