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Kto silosy podkopuje

Ra...........og • 2010-03-10, 00:40
ten sam je sobie na głowe przewraca...


Silo Crushes Man in Chile

A 31-year-old man was killed in Chile Saturday when a silo damaged in last week's earthquake collapsed on top of the vehicle he was operating.The moment was captured on video when the silo, which had been ordered demolished by local authorities in the El Monte munic**ality, came crashing down.The man killed in the accident was using a wheel excavator below the silo to provoke its collapse.But the More..30 foot high structure, which had been threatening a local school, fell in the wrong direction.Rescue workers attempted to pull him from the debris... but unfortunately they were too late.


2010-03-10, 11:52
BHP to podstawa...


2010-03-10, 12:32
przypomina postać z gry manhunt


2010-03-10, 13:13
to przez to zatrzęsienie ziemi ;>


2010-03-11, 00:56
To nie BHP tylko technologia wykonywania robót ziemnych się kłania bo podkopywać można, ale na pewnych warunkach.


2011-12-13, 11:44