Three older Jewish women, sitting on a bench in Miami. First one boasts, “I have such a wonnerful son. You know what he did for mine seventy-fifth birthday?
Chartered an airplane. Got all my friends from Great Neck, flew them down here for a party at the Fontainebleau Hotel… in the grand ballroom! They made a chopped liver look like a svan! You could die from it! Seven-piece orchestra, we partied till two in the morning. What a nize boy.”
Second lady says, “Well, you have a nize son, but let me tell you about my boy. Took me around the vorld onna cruise….Princess Line, two wholes weeks…. Ve Played shuffleboard on the deck…. We sat at the captain’s table. Parties every night. Such a great kid.”
Third lady: “Vell, you have nize boy and you have a nize boy, but let me tell you about my zon Marvin. He live in New York City. He zees a psee-kye-a-trist [psychiatrist] tree times a veek…two hun’dred dollars an hour…and all he talks about is me!”