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Brazylijska policja sie nie patyczkuje

h................g • 2024-06-06, 1:18
W sumie to się im nie dziwie po tym co widze co tam sie odpierdala
rakaniczo • 2024-06-06, 1:32   Najlepszy komentarz Najlepszy komentarz (34 piw)
Uważam, że dla takich policjantów jakieś punkty bonusowe powinny być np. lepsza giwera albo kamizelka, coś jak experience w grach komputerowych.
Chcącemu nie dzieje się krzywda. Nadużycia inna sprawa, ale autorytet powinien być.
Jesteś niewinny, wykounuj polecenia później udowadniaj i wygraywaj procesy tak jak w USA za niesłuszne aresztowanie po 100 czy 200k.
Zobaczcie jak psów traktują w krajach 3go świata a jak u nas w Europie.
Nawet tutaj na sadistic jak zobaczysz psa z Azji czy Ameryki Południowej to raczej
żaden sebix do nich nie fika bo wie co go czeka.


Duczki12342024-04-23, 11:06
Motopizda skutecznie przekonał napastnika by został Gender

Veni_Vidi • 2024-04-23, 13:17   Najlepszy komentarz Najlepszy komentarz (27 piw)
Ostatnie pokolenie. hahaha

Rusek postrzelony w ryj

T3RMINATOR2024-02-25, 16:27
Wygląda mi to na efekt jakiś gangsterskich porachunków.

Wyjątkowo oszczędny policjant. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Washington, DC — On Monday, December 18, 2023, at approximately 8:30 p.m., officers working a proactive high visibility patrol detail attempted to conduct an investigatory stop on a man in the 900 block of F Street, Northwest. As the officers exited their vehicle and attempted to stop the man, he took off running. Officers ran after the man. While running, the man displayed a firearm. One officer discharged a round, striking the man. Medics were immediately called to the scene and officers provided medical aid until paramedics from DC Fire and EMS arrived. The man, later identified as 27-year-old Corey Darnell Branch, of Southeast, DC, was transported to a local hospital for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries. Branch was arrested and charged with Assault on a Police Officer, Possession of a Controlled Substance, and six additional firearms related charges including Unlawful Possession and Carrying a Pistol Without a License.
19-letni gówniarz nie słuchał poleceń więc go odjebali. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Mesquite, Texas — On December 14, 2023, at approximately 2:57 a.m., Texas State Police were patrolling the area of Cartwright road and Edwards Church road. A stolen Hyundai sedan was found at Cartwright Road and Faithon P Lucas Sr. Boulevard. Both vehicles were then parked at a nearby 7-Eleven gas station just after 3:00 a.m. Police found the Hyundai empty. With four people inside the Chrysler, the driver of the Chrysler, 19-year-old Payton Lawrence, was then ordered to turn off the vehicle and stop. But Lawrence continued to "sneak around in the car," and police then shot him three times. Lawrence was later pronounced dead at the scene. Two other people in the Chrysler were questioned and released. The third, 19-year-old Kevon Moore of Dallas, was arrested on an outstanding warrant. Authorities were unable to find the other two men who fled. Police later found multiple firearms in the Chrysler.
Według źródła gliniarz przeżył i wyjdzie z tego. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Riverside County, California — On October 18, 2023, at 7:08 p.m., deputies from the Riverside Sheriff’s Palm Desert Station were dispatched to the area of Ramon Road and Robert Road in the unincorporated area of Thousand Palms to locate the suspect of a felony hit and run. Deputies arrived at the area and contacted a vehicle occupied by two subjects. While detaining the driver of the vehicle, 34-year-old Jose Eduardo Rosales Perez, the passenger, 27-year-old Kristian Galeana fired at deputies, and a deputy-involved shooting occurred. Galeana barricaded inside the vehicle and refused to follow commands. The Riverside Sheriff’s Special Enforcement Bureau, California Highway Patrol and additional surrounding agencies responded to assist.

One deputy was struck by gunfire and transported to a local hospital where he remains in stable condition. Galeana, also struck by gunfire, was ultimately taken into custody. Deputies provided medical aid, and he was transported to a local hospital; he is currently in stable condition. Due to Rosales Perez’ actions and involvement during the incident he was booked into the John Benoit Detention Center on three counts of attempted murder of a peace officer. On Sunday October 22, 2023, Riverside County Sheriff’s investigators identify the second suspect of the deputy involved shooting as 27-year-old Kristian Galeana, resident of Thousand Palms. Galeana was booked in absentia at the John Benoit Detention Center on three counts of attempted murder of a peace officer; however, he remains hospitalized. The deputy also remains hospitalized and is showing improvement.
Musieli się nim zająć policjanci. Źródło i link do całości.

ukryta treść
Queens, New York — On Thursday, April 13, 2023, at approximately 3:44p.m., 59-year-old Richard Moncrieffe was observed by civilian witnesses acting erratic and in possession of a knife in front of 89-62 164th Street, Queens, the First Presbyterian Church. He was approached by the security guard of the church at which point Moncrieffe stabbed him in the torso. Witnesses then called 911 to report the stabbing. Following the call to 911, Police Officer Daniel Gennaro and Police Officer Garret Poliey responded to the location. When the officers arrived, Moncrieffe was seated on the front steps of the church, still in possession of the knife.

Police Officer Gennaro and Police Officer Poliey shouted to Moncrieffe for him to drop his knife, however, he rose to his feet and began to charge at the officers. As a result, Police Officer Gennaro discharged two shots from his service firearm and Police Officer Poliey discharged two shots from his service firearm. Moncrieffe was struck by the gunfire and fell to the ground. He was subsequently taken into custody and taken from the scene via ambulance to Jamaica Hospital Medical Center where he was treated for his injuries. For his actions, Moncrieffe was arrested and charged with Attempted Murder in the Second Degree, Assault in the First Degree, Menacing a Police Officer, Criminal Possession of a Weapon Fourth Degree, and related charges.

Krajowa Rada Radiofonii i Telewizji zobligowała nas do oznaczania kategorii wiekowych materiałów wideo wgranych na nasze serwery. W związku z tym, zgodnie ze specyfikacją z tej strony oznaczyliśmy wszystkie materiały jako dozwolone od lat 16 lub 18.

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