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#cios w twarz

Jak czarny brat z czarnym bratem

REsadER • 2023-03-28, 12:15
podobno okradał brata, ale kolorystycznie coś słabo to pasuje

A liścia chcesz?

Prometheus_Coprophagus • 2013-05-10, 16:39
No jak, k***a, jeździsz? :jezdziec:

Autor nagrania stwierdza (przetłumaczcie sobie sami):

To those that are asking, I did go back to the police with a formal complaint and the will to prosecute the attacker. Everything is in order and I have ID'd the attacker and now it's just a matter of waiting for the results or the call from the PD.

Just for everyone to know. I was NOT trying to race him, and I know the video makes it seem so. But I just wanted to pass him since I noticed he kept staying right next to me. I accelerated a bit to pass him but slowed down when I noticed I was approaching speed limit as well the a yellow light. The guy, for some odd reason, cut right behind me when I passed him, cutting off my friend and tailing me very closely (according to my friend). I didn't notice him behind me since he did it so abruptly, I assume he either got pissed that he thought I was trying to race him? Or that I purposely brake checked him? I was about to tell him that my intention wasn't was to race him but he got all macho on me.

And for those that are wondering. YES I took his little slap to the head. No harm done. I'm not an aggressive guy, I assumed this was another typical road rage, let the guy do his little act and be on with it. Of course I wanted to punch him but that would've made matters worse with all the people watching. If he had tried to take another swing at me then I would've gotten off to defend myself, but 1 little slap was no big deal.

Źródło: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=a17_1368174728
MrKinggston • 2013-05-10, 16:44  Najlepszy komentarz Najlepszy komentarz (46 piw)
eee ch*jowe, ja na miejscu motocyklisty dogoniłbym gościa i urwał mu lusterko